Don’t be shy! Just call/e-mail us!
Another common observation in children with Pectus Excavatum is that they are very shy and reserved about their physical appearance. Frequently, as summer comes around, they are unwilling to take their shirt off for sports, swimming, or around other children. The psychosocial stress caused by the abnormal chest can be quite severe and can result in a major adjustment disorder, depression, and even suicide ideation later in life (1).
The most common goal in operative repair of Pectus Excavatum is to correct the chest deformity. As noted above, this is particularly important in teenagers, in whom the abnormal appearance of the chest can result in significant problems related to body image and self-esteem. Thus, the desire to improve the appearance of the chest is considered an appropriate medical indication for surgery (2).
The success rate of surgical correction is so high. Don’t be shy!
1. Surg Today. 2003; 33(9): 662-5; J Pediatr Surg. 1984; 19(4): 430-3.
2. Adolesc Med Clin. 2004; 15(3): 455-71.