What is the Thymus?

This is a gland that rests behind the breast bone (also called the sternum). It is different from the thyroid gland which lies in the neck. The thymus is associated with the immune system and helps fight infection and disease. It is active until puberty and then shrinks away so that only fatty tissue remains…



A pneumothorax is a collapsed lung. A pneumothorax occurs when air leaks into the space between the lung and chest wall; may be partial or complete. Pneumothorax may result from a blind or penetrating chest injury, some medical procedures, or damage from underlying lung disease. Or, it could appear without obvious reason. Symptoms often include…

What Is Pleural Mesothelioma?

What Is Pleural Mesothelioma? Pleural mesothelioma is a type of cancer caused by asbestos fibers becoming embedded in the lining of the lungs. Over time, the fibers may cause inflammation and scarring. As the scarring worsens, it may develop into mesothelioma tumors. Pleural malignant mesothelioma is the most common form of mesothelioma cancer. Each year, about…



Primarily; bronchoscopy is a diagnostic device. Bronchoscopy is most frequently used for searching the causes of respiratory symptoms such as hemoptysis, coughing, and unexpressed, especially one-sided wheezy respiration in patients with normal chest graph and tomography. Other primary indications are listed as centrally located lung mass, volume depletion on chest x-ray, pneumopyothorax, permanent infiltrations, deviation in trachea…