
Extremely Sweating (Hyperhydrosis / Hand-Face-Armpit / Blushing)

Extremely Sweating (Hyperhydrosis / Hand-Face-Armpit) & Face Erythrosis (Blushing) Is excessive sweating a disease? From the brain, an excess of chemical discharges with an unknown mechanism, which stimulates the sweat glands, cause excessive sweating. Mostly, excessive sweating occurs without any reason when standing, hands-feet-head neck-face drips and/or sweats in a flowing style. Redness of the face may…


Side Effects and Treatment of Sympathectomy Operation

There are two surgical methods to treat excessive sweating. One is the “classic” method and the other is the “endoscopic” method. The classic method is open surgery and it is done through large incisions. The second method is ETS (endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy). ETS is a procedure aiming to decrease sweating in certain areas that have…